
Come onboard as a community First Responder!

Community First Responder has a crucial role in helping someone who suffers a cardiac arrest or even helping to put out a minor fire. Don’t forget to download the myResponder app and play your part. Click on the link below to read more.




Join the Cardiac Arrest Survivors Club!

Surviving a sudden cardiac arrest can be a challenging experience for individuals and their loved ones.
Join the Cardiac Arrest Survivors Club, a peer-led support group based in Singapore for survivors, their families and caregivers to help and inspire one another in rebuilding lives after cardiac arrest.
Sign up at:
For queries, please email to ” [email protected]

In celebration of World Restart A Heart Day!

An exciting event is happening from 17 to 18 September 2022 at Our Tampines Hub.
Don’t miss the chance to participate!
A collaboration with Singapore Heart Foundation
Click here for more information on Facebook.

Resuscitation For Children With Cardiac Arrest

Educating The Community About Resuscitation

Last Friday I leapt out of bed before daybreak, in anticipation of my presentation at the CEO-CMB Forum. I had 15 minutes to discuss resuscitation for children with cardiac arrest. Why is this ground-breaking? For the past five years, my team has been industriously promoting DARE, a community education programme. However that focuses on resuscitation for adult victims of cardiac arrest. We even launched an app to teach this because At The Heart of The Matter, whatever reaches the largest audience works. [Read on…]