
Attention to myResponder Users! We Need You!

Come onboard as a community First Responder!

Community First Responder has a crucial role in helping someone who suffers a cardiac arrest or even helping to put out a minor fire. Don’t forget to download the myResponder app and play your part. Click on the link below to read more.




Man collapses on bus with no pulse, SBS Transit captain performs CPR until paramedics arrive

A bus captain stopped the bus and performed CPR on a passenger who had collapsed.

Having a life-saving skill helps someone! Anywhere Anyone Anytime.
Kudos to our bus captain🥰
A wonderful story for the start of 2023.
Source: Stomp
For full article: [Click here]

Revisiting a webinar by Doctor On Call featuring Dr Jade Kua (FAQ)

Spend some time and revisit this FAQ segment with our programme director to answer your queries and never be hesitant to save someone!
Click here to view.
Credit Source: Medical Channel Asia

Revisiting a webinar by Doctor On Call featuring Dr Jade Kua (Webinar)

Dive in and revisit the webinar that provides insightful learning by Dr Jade Kua
Never too late to learn and relearn!
Click here to view.
Credit Source: Medical Channel Asia

Revisiting a webinar by Doctor On Call featuring Dr Jade Kua

Revisit how Dr Jade Kua, our programme DARE director, shared on how to save someone using an Automated External Defibrillator (AED). Don’t MISS the main webinar that we will be sharing. Peek into some highlights now.
Click here to view the highlights.
Credit Source: Medical Channel Asia

Interview sharing of a cardiac arrest survivor with his rescuer

Take a peep into what our 46 years old survivor and his rescuer have to say about their real-life story. 🤓 and join us to celebrate World Restart A Heart Day this October! 🥳
Start learning these life-saving CPR and AED skills.
You might be saving not only one person but a whole family!
Visit our Facebook @daretosaveaheart to view the video

Community First Responders In Action!

Always DARE to save someone in need! All you need is the WILL to step forward. No effort is too small.

Read on how Mr Daniel Lim and Mr Rohit Tiwari spring into action and saved a life! Every action makes a difference.

Click here to view on SCDF Facebook

You can also download the “myResponder app” and be a Community First Responder to help save lives.

In celebration of World Restart A Heart Day!

An exciting event is happening from 17 to 18 September 2022 at Our Tampines Hub.
Don’t miss the chance to participate!
A collaboration with Singapore Heart Foundation
Click here for more information on Facebook.

Our next Virtual Class will be held on the 26th June and in July! Sign up now!

Register for a virtual CPR class by clicking on this link <>.
– 26th June, 3 pm
– 16th July, 9.30 am
– 21st July, 3 pm
Step forward and make our community a safe and hopeful place!
For group enquiry, please click this link <>.
Don’t forget to check out our DARE website at <>. #daretosaveaheart