
Hearts Of Gold In DORSCON Orange

Valentine’s Day 2020

Hearts Of Gold

Hearts & kisses: Welcome to Week 2 of DORSCON Orange which kicks of with Valentine’s Day! This was a most unusual Valentine’s Day, happening in a period where DORSCON Orange Is The New Black. For a start, my gifts were from strangers in the community and my Valentines were my healthcare colleagues. [Read on…]

DORSCON Orange Is The New Black


Orange Is The New Disease Situation

Here we are in Week One of the new national code DORSCON Orange in response to COVID-19. Essentially, the Disease Outbreak Response System Condition reflects the current coronavirus disease 2019 situation. In DORSCON Orange, disease is severe and spreads easily from person and person. The restrictions that come with DORSCON Orange could cause moderate disruption, such as temperature screening and visitor restrictions at hospitals. In addition to the social advice to stay home if one is sick, maintain good personal hygiene and look out for health advisories which should surely be a daily standard, the only new one is to comply with control measures.

[DARE Programme Director Dr Jade Kua is also an Emergency Medicine senior consultant at KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital. Read on to find out her experience…]