Be inspired, hear from these brave Singaporeans on how they have courageously stepped forward to help save someone’s life!

I saw a crowd in front of the escalator of a local shopping mall. There was an unconscious man and someone was performing chest compressions on him. I quickly located the nearest AED using the SCDF my Responder app when I noticed that there was no AED at the scene. I applied the AED pads according to how I was taught.

I was on my way home on the day of the incident when I received a notification from the SCDF myResponder app. I ran to the location displayed on the app. The victim was receiving chest compressions and an AED was beside the first responder. I took over and administered chest compressions and the AED prompted for a shock subsequently. We continued to help the victim until the SCDF fire-biker and ambulance crew arrived.

We were at work when Eugene received the SCDF myResponder app notification. When we arrived at the victim’s home, the victim’s wife directed us to the toilet where he laid unconscious. It was a challenge to help the victim as the space was restricted. However, we proceeded to perform chest compressions until the SCDF fire-biker arrived with an AED and took over the resuscitation process.

I was attracted to a crowd outside the main entrance of a shopping mall where a person laid unconscious. I noticed that the first responder had positioned his hands incorrectly on the victim’s chest so I knew I had to take over the chest compressions. While doing so, two SMRT staff arrived with an AED and the ambulance crew came shortly after. Doing chest compression is tiring therefore it will be ideal if more people are encouraged to learn this life-saving skill so that they can take turns to help the victim.

I rushed to the location upon receiving the notification from the SCDF myResponder app. Upon arrival, I saw the ambulance crew attending to the victim but I offered my help instead of leaving. Much to my delight, the paramedic allowed me to take over the chest compressions while the crew focused on the other aspects of the resuscitation process.

I was supposed to be resting as I undergone an operation a few days prior to the incident. The moment I received the notification from the SCDF myResponder app, my husband and I proceeded to the location. I performed chest compressions and instructed my husband to direct the ambulance crew from the lobby to the house. Surprisingly, I only started to feel the pain from the operation area after the ambulance crew took over. In my mind, I was just focused on helping the victim.

The atmosphere was calm even though there were many people crowding around the victim. When I (Xin Yun) approached the victim, I noticed that he had turned pale. He had no pulse as well. I started chest compressions immediately and instructed a bystander to get an AED. However, the bystander simply walked away and this left me dumbfounded! A teacher who was present instructed Eunice to retrieve an AED while the teacher called for an ambulance. In such a life-threatening situation, it is always good to render some help to the responders as you never know if your small effort could also help the victim to survive the ordeal.

The alert from the myResponder app caught our attention despite the interesting soccer match on the television. Without hesitation, we dashed to the scene and started chest compressions. While there were some public comments on social media regarding the accuracy of performing chest compressions, we were unsure if we may be legally implicated for attempting to save lives. However, our friends from the SCDF reassured us that we will be fine as long we do it right, to the best of our abilities, and out of goodwill. I am glad this no longer is a barrier for us to step forward to help

I have responded to many cases through the SCDF myResponder app despite my age. One of the concerns when performing chest compressions was a possible lawsuit that I might face as I was underaged when I responded to the cases. I am glad that this concern was adequately addressed to the participants during classes held in the community.