
DARE X Primus Schoolhouse!

This month, we had the opportunity to teach the kids at Primus Schoolhouse on how to save a heart with early CPR & defibrillation (using an AED).
Thank you to Primus Schoolhouse for having us and organising this session with the kids!
For more updates and schedules of our virtual DARE classes, do check out our DARE website at <>.
And if you are keen to organise sessions with us, drop us an email at [email protected]. #daretosaveaheart
For the full story: [Click here]

FAQ #7: CPR on Child & Infant?

Previously, we shared with a quick recap of the first 6 questions on our Frequently Asked Questions. Today, Dr Jade Kua be sharing with you on performing CPR on children and infant.

Please share with or tag someone you know who might benefit from this video.

For more information as well as new e-learning resources about CPR and AED, download our free DARE- LEARN CPR app now! #daretosaveaheart

How To Save A Child Using CPR & An AED

Do you know the difference between performing CPR on an adult and a child? Would you know what to do?

In our previous video, we shared with you on how to respond to a cardiac arrest in adults. Here’s Dr Jade Kua, our DARE programme director, sharing with you some quick and simple steps to remember when you witness a child who suffers from cardiac arrest and collapse.

Please share this post video with your family and friends so that they can follow us and learn how to save a life. #daretosaveaheart

Resuscitation For Children With Cardiac Arrest

Educating The Community About Resuscitation

Last Friday I leapt out of bed before daybreak, in anticipation of my presentation at the CEO-CMB Forum. I had 15 minutes to discuss resuscitation for children with cardiac arrest. Why is this ground-breaking? For the past five years, my team has been industriously promoting DARE, a community education programme. However that focuses on resuscitation for adult victims of cardiac arrest. We even launched an app to teach this because At The Heart of The Matter, whatever reaches the largest audience works. [Read on…]