Do you DARE to save a heart?

Come and join our DARE Programme Director, Dr Jade Kua, this evening at 8pm where she will share more on how to use an AED to save someone in cardiac arrest.

Click down the link below to register and find out more about the session:

For more information : [Click here]



Do you DARE to save a heart?

What happens when I witness someone who has suffered a cardiac arrest? What can I do to help before medical help arrives? 

Come and join Dr Jade Kua, our DARE Programme Director, in this Cardiology Webinar series hosted by Medical Channel Asia, where she will share more on how to use an AED to save someone who suffers from cardiac arrest.

Click down the link below to register and find out more about the session:

Source : Zoll AED 3 Automated External Defibrillator – Novatech Resources, Singapore


Teach public to use AED

In response to a Zaobao reader’s query on teaching the public on how to use an AED, we shared that our staff have been providing free training for the public. Schools have also started training students, so that young children can step forward to help in a medical emergency when they witness one, such as a cardiac arrest incident.

[Source: Zaobao]

Teaching the masses CPR

In response to a Straits Times reader on conducting CPR training in schools, Programme Director Dr Jade Kua shares with readers on what students in Primary and Secondary schools have been exposed to.

Click here to read the reply.

[Source: Straits Times]

Anyone can use an AED

In a recent Straits Times article dated 26 September 2017, it was noted in the article that to use an AED, certification is required.

We have helped to clarify that Anyone can use an AED on a cardiac arrest victim. Remember to call 995 and stay on the line with the 995 specialist.
