Bob Harper’s Simple Advice: Know CPR, Save A Life

When Mr Bob Harper, a celebrity trainer, was working out in the gym, he suffered a heart attack and immediately went into a cardiac arrest. Fortunately, a doctor was also at the gym at that time and swiftly performed CPR on Mr Harper.
Mr Harper said: “I’m lucky to be alive.”
Source: Forbes
For the full story: [Click here]
Thanks to the doctor for giving Mr Harper a fighting chance to survive.
Such medical emergency can happen to anyone at any time.
You do not need to be a doctor, a nurse or a paramedic in order to save a life. Anyone can help to save a life by performing CPR or use the AED during a cardiac arrest emergency before the ambulance arrives at the scene.
Without any intervention, the chances of surviving a cardiac arrest decrease by 10% for every minute that passes.
In Singapore, you can download the myResponder app and sign up as a Community First Responder. Sign up today to help save lives!
myResponder on the App Store – Apple: [Download here]
myResponder – Apps on Google Play: [Download here]