Come onboard as a community First Responder!
/in Blog/by Naomi LumCommunity First Responder has a crucial role in helping someone who suffers a cardiac arrest or even helping to put out a minor fire. Don’t forget to download the myResponder app and play your part. Click on the link below to read more.
Man collapses on bus with no pulse, SBS Transit captain performs CPR until paramedics arrive
/in Blog/by Naomi LumA bus captain stopped the bus and performed CPR on a passenger who had collapsed.
Revisiting a webinar by Doctor On Call featuring Dr Jade Kua (FAQ)
/in Blog/by Naomi Lum
Revisiting a webinar by Doctor On Call featuring Dr Jade Kua (Webinar)
/in Blog/by Naomi Lum
Revisiting a webinar by Doctor On Call featuring Dr Jade Kua
/in Blog/by Naomi Lum
Interview sharing of a cardiac arrest survivor with his rescuer
/in Blog/by Naomi LumCommunity First Responders In Action!
/in Blog/by Naomi LumAlways DARE to save someone in need! All you need is the WILL to step forward. No effort is too small.
Read on how Mr Daniel Lim and Mr Rohit Tiwari spring into action and saved a life! Every action makes a difference.
Click here to view on SCDF Facebook
You can also download the “myResponder app” and be a Community First Responder to help save lives.
In celebration of World Restart A Heart Day!
/in Blog/by Naomi LumOur next Virtual Class will be held on the 26th June and in July! Sign up now!
/in Blog/by Naomi Lum

About DARE
The DARE Programme is an initiative fully funded by MOH and implemented by the Unit for Pre-hospital Emergency Care (UPEC) to strengthen responsiveness for medical emergencies and to raise the level of preparedness in the community.