Dr Jade speaking on High-Quality Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

On 27th June 2020, Dr Jade Kua was invited as a panelist to discuss on CPR in an international conference in collaboration between the Academy of Medicine Chapter of Intensivists and the Society of Intensive Care Medicine Singapore. They discussed on topics such as CPR during COVID-19 and the DARE programme.

Please check out the video which contains snippets about what was discussed during the panel discussion.

For more information as well as new e-learning resources about CPR and AED, download our free DARE- LEARN app now. #daretosaveaheart

Congratulations Dr Jade on making it to the International list of Women in GovTech 2019!

Congrats Dr Jade for making it to the International list of Women in Govtech 2019, based on the DARE APP and contribution towards CPR education. The DARE team is so proud of you!

For more information as well as new e-learning resources about CPR and AED, download our free DARE- LEARN app now! #daretosaveaheart

Source: GovInsider

For the full article: [Click here]

FAQ #10: Does the AED always deliver a shock?

In the previous video, we shared with you on where you can find AEDs? In our final video of our frequently asked questions, Dr Jade Kua will share with on whether the AED will always deliver a shock.

Please share with or tag someone you know who might benefit from this video.

And this brings us to the end of our ten Frequently asked questions series. Thank you everyone for your love and support.

For more information as well as new e-learning resources about CPR and AED, download our free DARE- LEARN CPR app now! #daretosaveaheart

FAQ #8: Can you do CPR on Pregnant Women?

In the previous episode, we shared with you on performing CPR on children and Infants. In today’s episode, Dr Jade Kua will be sharing with you on whether you can do CPR on pregnant women.

Please share with or tag someone you know who might benefit from this video.

For more information as well as new e-learning resources about CPR and AED, download our free DARE- LEARN CPR app now! #daretosaveaheart

FAQ #4: Who is qualified to save a life?


There are times when people are afraid and worried about performing CPR for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest victims because they are not medically trained to do so. Every minute that the victim does not receive help, their mortality will increase by 10%. So, step up and DARE to save a heart. Don’t worry, when you call 995, the 995 specialist is always on the phone to guide you. Anybody can save a life!

Please share with or tag someone you know who might benefit from this video.

For more information as well as new e-learning resources about CPR and AED, download our free DARE- LEARN app now. #daretosaveaheart

FAQ #3: How Do You Use An AED?


In this week of our mini ten-part short FAQ series, Dr Jade will share with us the steps on how to use an AED.

It is natural to feel reluctant or afraid to use new devices especially when we are not familiar with it or the fear they may accidentally cause harm. But if we learn how to use an AED, it can help to save a life.

Please share with or tag someone you know who might benefit from this video. #daretosaveaheart


How To Perform CPR on Infants

Do you know how to perform infant CPR?

Previously, we shared with you two videos on how to respond to a cardiac arrest in adults and children. Today, our DARE Programme Director, Dr Jade Kua, will share with you some easy steps to remember when you witness an infant who suffers from a sudden cardiac arrest and collapse. We would like to highlight that for child and infant CPR, it’s best to attend a practical class as the steps may be tricky to master.

Please share this video with your family and friends so that they can follow us and learn how to save a life. For more information as well as an AED locator, download our free DARE- LEARN APP now.





How To Save A Child Using CPR & An AED

Do you know the difference between performing CPR on an adult and a child? Would you know what to do?

In our previous video, we shared with you on how to respond to a cardiac arrest in adults. Here’s Dr Jade Kua, our DARE programme director, sharing with you some quick and simple steps to remember when you witness a child who suffers from cardiac arrest and collapse.

Please share this post video with your family and friends so that they can follow us and learn how to save a life. #daretosaveaheart

How To Respond To Cardiac Arrest In Adults

If you witness someone who had a cardiac arrest and collapse, would you know what to do?

Here is our DARE programme director Dr Jade Kua sharing with you on some quick and easy steps to remember so that You can DARE to save a life.

Please share this post video with your family and friends so that they can follow us and learn how to save a life. #daretosaveaheart