3 bystanders who had witnessed a collapsed, stepped up to help save a life!

Upon witnessing a man who had collapsed, Mr Goh Chee Kean Jonathan, Ms Ker Kai Li and Mr Raymond Tay quickly rushed forward to help the man. Mr Raymond Tay quickly called for help and went to find an AED while Mr Goh Chee Kean Jonathan and Ms Ker Kai Li performed CPR on the man until medical help arrived.

Thank you Mr Goh Chee Kean Jonathan, Ms Ker Kai Li and Mr Raymond Tay for stepping up to DARE save a heart!

To learn more about CPR and AED, come and join us in our DARE virtual classes! For more information about the classes and timings, you can download our free DARE- LEARN CPR app now! #daretosaveaheart

Source: MP Ms Gan Siow Huang

For the full story : [Click here]